Software Project Discovery

How to Master Software Project Discovery

  Unveiling Software Project Discovery: Methodology and Importance Explained So far in this series, we have discussed the historical success rate of abysmal software projects and their causes and introduced the concept of project discovery to prevent software project failure. Today, we wrap up this series by discussing in detail how we conduct project discovery…

Product Project Discovery

Understanding Project Discovery vs. Product Discovery

Project Discovery vs. Product Discovery: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters   In the previous installment of this article series, we introduced the concept of discovery. Discovery is the process of learning and documenting important information about a project before the “real work” starts. The goal of discovery is to provide the development team…

Software Project Failure

Common Mistakes that Lead to Software Project Failure

  Avoiding Software Project Failure: Identifying Common Mistakes and Solutions   In the previous two articles in this series, we discussed the dismal success rates for software development projects and the top causes for these failures. Most IT project failures (whether related to software or not) can be traced to sub-optimal project environment factors, such…

Why Software Projects Fail

  Understanding the Causes of IT Project Failure: A Deep Dive into Software Development Challenges It’s a sad fact of modern It’s a sad fact of modern life: IT projects, in general, and enterprise software projects fail alarmingly. Consider the following sobering statistics gathered from various recent IT surveys: 75% of surveyed IT and corporate…